Thursday, April 30, 2009

Happy 1st birthday Madden...and Liam

Madden turns 1 today...what a cutie!
Liam turned 1 on the 27th...he already looks like a little boy!
I can't beleive a year has already flown by this fast.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

The last couple of weeks :) this post is reallllllly out of order...oh well.

Everett and Noah takin' it easy :)

Noah contemplating the use of a spoon...

Na, my hand gets more at a time ;)

Yep, stickin' with my hand

Eliza before seeing Taylor at the Opry...


At the Opry...Front Row Center..Thanks Uncle Dennis and Aunt Joan :)

Hannah and Eliza

Me and Eliza

Eliza and aeriel view

Sweet Noah in his coveralls :)

Bath time...she using soft hands ;)
Smiley guy

Building a sand mountain...castle ;)
Having a great time watching Eliza builing...

I love this playground too!

Nap time ;)

Soooo sleepy!
Eliza being brave in the tree!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Weekend

I just had a chance to add these new pics that Heather (my wonderful sister-in-law) sent me from Easter at my dad's aka Papa and Grandma Debbie's house on Easter...enjoy~

Sweet Noah

Eliza and Papa


Eliza and Paige aka TROUBLE!

Grandma Debbie, Eliza, Papa, and Noah

We had a great Easter this year...We headed to church today, then outside to pose for a few pictures. We got to go to another Easter egg hunt, and this one was at Papa and Grandma Debbie's house. Of Course our camera battery was dead so we are waiting to receive pictures (email me please) from Sunday afternoon from my dad or brother.

Justin, Noah, Andrea (me), Eliza, Grams, Pappaw Will

Justin, Eliza, Andrea, Noah
Noah, Abbie, Eliza, and Allie

Eliza and Noah
Saturday, we headed over to Grams' and papaw Will's house for lunch and an Easter egg hunt. We had a great time, but ate waaaay to much! Thanks for having us ;)
Paige, Eliza and Caitlin

Noah, Eliza, Caitlin, Paige

Hannah and GranddaddyCaitlin and Eliza

Caitlin, Paige, Pappaw Will, Noah, Eliza and Grams

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Eliza's egg hunt at school, pics with the bunny, fun with Ansley and Hannah

We went to see the Bunny today after Eliza got out of school...and they both did great! Eliza had her egg hunt at school today too, and so much fun, but we missed Ames and Lauren who were out sick.

Carlie, Atticus, Kensley, and Eliza

Atticus, Kensley, Eliza, and Carlie

Josh and Sherry's precious baby Hannah came over last Friday, and took a liking to Noah's cheeks...he wasn't too excited about all of the attention paid to his face :)...get tough Noah, you'll be dealing with women your entire life!

Sweet Hannah!

Ashley and Joe's little girl Ansley came over to play with Eliza..they had sooo much fun playing dress-up. Eliza loves Ansley :)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Happy 11 months Noah!

Noah's is getting sweeter by the day! He loves rolling or throwing the ball back and forth, climbing on whatever will hold him up, cruising anywhere and everywhere possible...usually not where he's suppose to be, being loud and silly...once you get him laughing it's all over, and genuinely he just likes to have a good time. He's such a sweet little guy ;)

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers