Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The 1st week of March

This month has started-off pretty fun! I did, however, lose the diamond out of my new ring Justin just purchased for me not even 3 months ago. On another note, Justin had some friends meet us at Whiskey Kitchen for my 31st birthday...We had a fun night! I also want to thank Nana (Justin's mom) for coming-up for the weekend...sadly we didn't get any pictures this visit. I think this will be a great year :o)

Andrea and Justin

Kayla, Andrea, and Paige
Amanda, Andrea, and Candace
Justin and Amanda
Tom, Candace, Justin, Amanda, Kayla, Paige, Marco, and Andrea
Tom and Candace
The litter-box, this was so gross, but funny!
Tarah and Andrea
Birthday dinner #2 with Dad and Debbie
Noah and Papa
Put-em up buddy!
Eliza and Grandma Debbie
Justin, Andrea, Eliza, Debbie, Noah, and Papa
Me and my mom :o)
Noah in the "big helicopter"
Noah checking-out the pup!
Noah and Eliza riding bikes...we could really use some more pretty weather.
Cowboy Noah at Madden's house!
Madden and Noah...check-out those curls :o)
Cutie-pie Liam
Noah, Liam, and Kinley
Almost to the top!
Sweet Mason
LOVE Madden's outfit so much!
Poor Pregnant girl pushing all the boys :o)
Kinley...future baller?
The whole crew
Noah and Kinley...he was very serious about something.
Pretty girls, Kelvey and Stacey
Thanks for the fun play-date Madden!

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Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers