Noah is 14 months old now...this is flying faster each day! He is doing anything and everything you can imagine...he loves to walk, run, climb on anything especially...up and down the stairs, sweep, EAT ALL THE TIME, laugh, love, says mama, dada, yiyi (Eliza), NO, yes, chick, dog, ball, juice, shoe, hi, bye-bye, and more that I just can't think of right now :o. He loves exploring, opens all cabinets, takes things out, puts them back, empties every bin in Eliza's room, and now he loves hiding from us...under chairs, behind the couch, or wherever he can fit :).
He is hilarious and so happy all of the time...except when he's hungry, then he means serious business...and don't you dare run out of food while he's still in the chair, you better begin getting him down while his mouth is still full and you're holding more in your hand ready to appease him when necessary. We are blessed to have such a precious addition to our family.
the first week home...
2 months

4 months

6 months

8 months

10 months

12 months

14 months