Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Noah's check-up...

Well, yesterday Noah had his 6 month check-up, but missed his shots because he's had a cold. He weighed 18lbs & 14oz (75%) and 26 and 3/4" long (65%). He is doing great...slowing down on his weight since he's started solid foods...I must have had some fatty milk! I can't believe he practically weighs 19 pounds already...wonder what he'll weigh at a year :) We go back for shots on Friday :( but hopefully he will do great!


Sarah said...

What a big boy! Good luck with shots on Friday!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Noah, he's getting to be such a big boy! Give him a kiss for me on Friday... Poor guy... :(

Anonymous said...

I think he weighs more than Kelvey!!! LOL You must have some fatty milk!! :)

Missy said...

That Ok my milk pumped Maymie & Madden right up!!!!:)

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