Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Happy Nine Months...and two days

Well, Noah is finally crawling forward...way to go bud! He was a professional roller for the longest time, but has now mastered the fine art of crawling. He also loves to pull-up on any and everything, and then cruise around as much as possible. He is hilarious...and he thinks Eliza is pretty funny too. She thinks it's so neat that he can stand up for a minute without holding onto anything...she says, "when's he gonna walk?" I think we are still a few months away, so she'll just have to wait. He is also eating puffs, drinking out of a sippy, and is on strike against the bottle, but for some reason will nurse anytime...maybe he and Carson should form a club. Noah goes to the dr. for his check-up on the 13th, so I'll post his stats then.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Bud!!! I'm soooo proud of you and CAN NOT WAIT to see you!!!!
Super cool pic! :)

Sarah said...

Yes, they are in a strange little club! I had never heard of any other babies weaning themselves from a bottle so early, but I guess they are just too big for that nonsense. :) He is so cute! Way to go with the puffs!

Kristin said...

Happy 9 months! Way to go on the crawling! He'll be into everything now i bet!

grams said...

Can't believe my little guy is 9 months old. Love you bunches!

Missy said...

9 months yea!!! Go baby go:)

Leigh said...

Way to go Noah!!!

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